Friday, February 16, 2024

February 16 Blog Post

The February break is here.  I hope staff all take that all important time to "turn off" and recharge.  I hope that our students and our families enjoy some quality time together over the break making memories together whether they stay at home or go on a trip.  Time together as a family is just so precious ENJOY!

Our schools have been busy these past few weeks!  Check out just some of the photos below to get a sense of the great energy across all of our schools! 😊 GO RAMS!


Folks can look back at my Feb. 2 Blog Post to get the background on this video series and why they are being created and shared.  Bottom line - the first video was very informative and the second one is even better!  ☺

The topic for the 2nd video is "Understanding School Governance" with special community champion guest Kathy Garrard!  

If you want to better understand how decisions are made in public schools - you should definitely watch!  

Thank you to Kathy Garrard for being our guest and thank you to our incredible team at GoCAT TV right here in Gorham for producing! 


The first draft of our proposed FY 25 budget was shared with the Gorham School Committee earlier this afternoon.  This is JUST THE FIRST STEP in a long and thorough process that will ultimately culminate with a proposed budget vote by the School Committee at their regular meeting in April, followed by a vote by the Town Council in May and a referendum vote by our community in June.

I have linked the budget timeline HERE for viewing as a reminder.  All budget workshop meetings of the School committee will be live streamed this year for the public to view and then recorded and archived on both the Town's website and the Gorham School's website for reference by the voters.  

The School Committee is getting their first look at the proposed budget today.  Their next task will be to review the proposed budget in detail - all 92 pages - and to pose questions to School Administration that will be answered at their first budget workshop meeting scheduled for March 4, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. 

At this first budget workshop meeting we will present the School Committee with a broad overview of the proposed budget, answer questions they may have, work to establish specific criteria and targets that they would like to meet and then maneuver the first draft budget proposal from there over the course of the next several budget workshop meetings.

You can CLICK HERE to view the School Committee FY 25 proposed budget booklet in its entirety.  There is A LOT of information contained within these 92 pages, but the transmittal letter in the very front provides a nice overview if you are looking for a summary to start with.  The table of contents for each section is hyper linked for easy navigation.  I am happy to answer questions from staff or the public as we go so feel free to email me at with any questions you may have.  

Again, there is much that will change with this proposed budget over the course of the next month or more.  I will continue to provide updates and overviews of important information as we go along through the process.  You can CLICK HERE to go to the GoCAT TV site for live streaming and recording of videos and you can CLICK HERE to view links regarding our FY 25 budget approval process on our website.  


On Feb. 7, 2024 the Gorham School Committee voted to move forward with a shift in attendance zones that will be effective when school opens in the fall of 2024.  

Interested individuals that want to view the discussion that took place at this meeting can CLICK HERE to view.  The public comment section of the meeting starts around minute 24 of the meeting.  The presentation, discussion, and vote of the School Committee on the agenda item regarding the attendance zone shift can be found at approximately the 1 hour and 5 minute mark of the meeting recording.

At this point, all families who are impacted by this vote have been communicated with directly by our incredible building Principals.  If you haven't heard from either Mrs. Fortier or Mrs. Mezzanotte then you are not an impacted family.

A reminder that there will be an open informational meeting for impacted families to learn more about process and next steps on the following evenings, hosted by our building principals:

-  February 27 at 5:30 p.m. at Great Falls Elementary School
-  February 29 at 5:30 p.m. at Village Elementary School.

Specific transition activities will occur and be hosted by Principal Eppler at Narragansett Elementary School starting in April.  I know she and her team have some incredible ideas in mind for making sure that this transition will go as smoothly as possible.  Please know that our principals, myself and our entire student support services teams will be walking shoulder to shoulder with families as we navigate this transition together.


For those of you that like to get a head start on planning for the coming year, I wanted to let families know that the Gorham School Committee approved of the 2024-2025 School Calendar at its last meeting on February 7.  

You can CLICK HERE to view.  

The vast majority of the school calendar remains similar to previous years.  We have 8 total early release days this coming year which is what we have had for many years.  We will also be starting students just a little before the Labor Day holiday in order to "step in" students slowly to the routines of the school year as well as to provide needed time for us to conduct Kindergarten screening and other onboarding activities for students.  

The biggest change was in moving one of our professional development days for staff from the opening of school to a new date in October (10/11) in order to allow us to have some shared Professional Development opportunities with other school systems in our region.  We hope this small change will really help to amplify and strengthen our already strong professional development opportunities for our teachers, especially our specialists who often don't have many opportunities to receive training with their job alike partners (art, music, PE, Speech, OT, counselors, etc.).

If you have any questions regarding the school calendar.  Please reach out!


You may not already know that Gorham High School, in collaboration with Falmouth High School, operates a full fledged robotics program!  GO RAMS!  Students from this program gave an excellent presentation to the Gorham School Committee at their most recent February 7th meeting.  It is most definitely worth the watch to learn more about the program and the incredible skills our students are learning via their participation!

You can CLICK HERE to view the recording of the presentation. It is at about the 2 min. 10 second mark!


I won't be publishing another blog until March 8 - so wanted to get one final reminder out there to families that March 5, 2024 WILL BE A REMOTE LEARNING DAY for students attending Gorham Middle School and Great Falls Elementary School.  This is due to the fact that these two schools are used as public polling locations in our community.

Information has either already gone out or will go out to families directly from each school letting you know what to expect for learning expectations on this day.  Families from GMS and Great Falls who may have signed up for remote day lunches will have their meals sent home with students on the day before (3/4/24).  Please reach out to either Mr. Donahue or Mrs. Fortier if you have questions.

Students who attend our other schools - Village Elementary, Narragansett Elementary, and Gorham High School will have school as normal on this day.


CLICK HERE to view the February edition of the Aspire Gorham newsletter to find out what incredible things are happening in our schools around career aspirations for our students across all grades!  

Remember - EVERYONE has a future story!  Our Aspire work makes sure that our students are thinking about theirs and that our instructional programming is making sure to EXPOSE students across grades PK-5 to these various future stories and making sure our students in grades 6-10 are able to more deeply EXPLORE these stories and finally, our Aspire program makes sure students in grades 9-12 are able to EXPERIENCE these stories!

Thank you to our business partners for making this work possible for our students in Gorham!

Check it out - it is most certainly worth the read!


If you were impressed (as I was) of our GHS student's most recent presentation of Mamma Mia, then you will be impressed with this next performance!

The GHS theater will present its performance of Radium Girls by DW Gregory coming up in March.  

Shows will be on March 1st and March 2nd at 7:30 p.m. and then a matinee on Sunday, Marcy 3rd at 2:00 p.m. all at the Gorham High School Performing Arts Center.  Tickets are sold at the door and will be $5.00 each for Gorham students and $10.00 each for Adults!  Break a leg Rams!😉. Check out the flyer below for details!


The Code of Conduct Committee has been working all year to "refresh" our current Code of Conduct across all schools to make sure that this incredible document that has helped to guide our schools for the past 20 years continues to be relevant and lead our school's expectations into the next 20 years!

If you need a refresher on our school's Code of Conduct, CLICK HERE.  If you need a refresher on the Code of Conduct Committee's purpose and work overview - CLICK HERE.  To view Committee membership, CLICK HERE.  

We have done some great work to gather initial data and themes and now we are seeking direct community feedback on our work.  Check out the flyer below and mark your calendars to attend!  Last opportunity will be coming up on Feb. 26!


All of our winter teams this year have done very well and so they'll be very active this coming week. Below is a summary message sent by our talented athletic director Tim Spear summarizing what to expect for the coming week:

February vacation!!!!  Well this is a great time for HS sports!

1st I want to congratulate both the Cheering team and the Girls Ice Hockey team.  There seasons have concluded and both teams did fantastic.  Cheering went from not competing last year to runner up at SMAA Championship, 3rd at Regionals, and 6th at States.  Great job!!

Girls Ice Hockey had another fantastic season falling just short Cheverus (BOOO!) in the Regional Championship game this past wednesday!  Great job by both teams, way to get the play-off season started!!

Big week coming up!

Boys hockey will finish its regular season, while other teams compete for their respective championships.

A busy Monday will have Indoor Track at USM and Boys swim at Bowdoin College competing for State championships! I know both teams have very high expectations!

Tuesday, Girls swim compete for a state championship at Bowdoin College! Again, high expectations.

Wednesday, Girls Basketball will play Sanford in the AA South Semifinals, 8:45pm at the Cross Arena

Thursday, Boys Basketball will play Deering in the AA Semi-Finals, 8:45pm at Cross Arena.

Basketball Regional finals will be Saturday 2/24 at 7/8:45!

Again High expectations for all!!

Good Luck this week!!


Each month the chair of the Gorham School Committee reports out an update to the Gorham Town Council.  Below, please find a copy of that report with some great information - some of it you may already be aware of...but repetition is always good!😊

Town Council Report – Feb 6, 2024

  1. Code of Conduct: The Gorham Schools will be hosting two community conversations regarding our Code of Conduct.  One is happening as I speak, and a second meeting will be held on Feb. 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the GMS library.  We are looking to "refresh" our Code of Conduct to make sure it lasts another 20 years in our schools and remains as relevant then as it is today.  Please see the Superintendent's blog post of Feb. 2 which is linked to our district website for details.

  2. Anti-Racism and Equity: The Gorham Schools' Anti-Racism & Equity Committee will be hosting an "Eat and Learn" event on March 12 at 5:30 p.m. The theme of this event will be the importance of advocacy.  The event will be structured as a gallery walk of artistic submissions of our students on the topic of advocacy.  Participants will review the artwork presented by students and then have an opportunity to share feedback and themes from the artwork. More details to come.

  3. Remote Learning Day: A reminder that March 5 will be a remote learning day for students attending Gorham Middle School and Great Falls Elementary School, due to the use of these schools as polling locations that day.  Information will be sent home to families from each school with specific expectations for remote learning on this day.  All other students attending GHS, Village, and Narragansett will attend school as usual.

  4. Budget: The School Committee will begin Budget workshop meetings soon and will plan to share summaries following each meeting, to help members of the Town Council and the public to follow along as easily as possible. Here’s a reminder of key dates in the budget process. Those in bold directly involve the Town Council as well. 

  • Friday, February 16, 2024- Superintendent delivers proposed budget to School Committee

  • Monday, March 4, 2024 – SC Budget Workshop Mtg. #1 

  • Monday, March 11, 2024 – SC Budget Workshop Mtg. #2

  • Monday, March 18, 2024 – SC Budget Workshop Mtg. #3 

  • Monday, March 25, 2024 – SC Budget Workshop Mtg. #4 

  • Monday, April 1, 2024 – SC Budget Workshop Mtg. #5 

  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024 – School Committee votes to approve FY 25 Budget

  • Wednesday, April 17, 2024 – FY 25 Proposed School Budget Delivered to Town Manager 

  • Tuesday, April 23, 2024 – FY 25 Budget Workshop with Town Council, 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers

  • Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - FY 25 Budget Workshop follow up with Town Council, 5:30 p.m. - IF NEEDED

  • Tuesday, May 14, 2024 – Public Hearing on FY 25 Municipal Budget (Including School Budget) and Town Council Vote, 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers

  • Tuesday, June 11, 2024 – Public Referendum on FY 25 School Budget

As a reminder, all school budget workshops are open to the public. 

  1. GHS Theater Production: GHS Theater is performing Mamma Mia!  Remaining shows are Feb. 9th and 10th at 7:00 p.m. and February 11 at 2:00 p.m. at GHS performing arts center.  Again, check out the Superintendent's blog post for Feb. 2 for details on how to get tickets online - or you can also purchase at the door!

  2. Unified Basketball: If you haven’t seen a game, we highly recommend checking out this great athletic event. Upcoming games are:

  • Thursday February 8 HOME vs Bonny Eagle 3:30 PM

  • Thursday February 15 AT Scarborough 3:30 PM

  • Tuesday February 27 AT Windham 3:30 PM

  • Thursday February 29 HOME vs Deering 3:30 PM

  • Thursday March 5 AT Westbrook 3:30 PM

  1. National School Counselor Appreciation Week:  Our school counselors are part of the glue that holds us all together. They work to help families and children navigate some of the most difficult and challenging experiences in their lives. They care passionately for the children they serve, and Gorham has some of the BEST IN THE BUSINESS!  


-  Betsy Anastasoff, Trisha Cherry, Kate Stevens and Samantha Teixeira (GHS)

-  Emma Ambrose and Heather Richards (GMS)

-  Debra Leone and Sawyer (PK-5), Ellen Berry (GF), Rachel Dunbar (Nar.), and Becky Hayward (Village).

Any questions, please feel free to reach out:

That's it for this rendition of my blog post!  I am going to take the February Break off, so the next post will be on March 6!  Have a great break everyone! 

Friday, February 2, 2024

February 2 Blog Post

We are out of the month of January!  Forty seven more days until spring...but who is counting, really? ☺

Our winter athletic teams are doing great!  GHS theater students are putting on Mama Mia at the MPAC, Read Across America is next week in our elementary schools, and our schools just generally continue to "buzz" with the wonderful sounds of learning!  Check out the pictures below to give you just a snapshot of the fun (had to do TWO series as there were just too many pictures to share this time)!  

GO RAMS!  Now, on to the information to share!


GHS theater students opened up Mamma Mia last night to a great opening night...but don't worry - there are still plenty of shows to see!  Be sure to get out to at least one showing! Plus, there is no shame in going to multiple nights - its just that good!☺  Check out the flyer below for details on schedule and how to get your tickets today!


One of the things that became clear during our difficult budget approval processes last summer was that as a school system we needed to do a better job of providing information to our community about what our schools do, how they are governed, what finances look like, and how schools are different today than they were even 10-15 years ago.  In other words, we had to do a better job at educating our community about our schools!

How do we do this?  That became the next big question!  We already have social media accounts for our district, and for individual schools and programs.  We already have our website.  We already send home weekly communications to our families.  We already tell our stories - What more could we do and who do we need to communicate better with?

That's when we turned to our friends at GoCAT TV right here in Gorham!  We hatched a few ideas and topics, Georgia and her crew provided feedback and we came up with the idea to produce a 4 part video series aimed at helping our community to better understand our public schools.  More specifically, the purpose of this video series is to dig more deeply into understandings of what our public schools do, why they do it, and how much it costs to do this important work to benefit our community!

With this overall purpose in mind, we brainstormed 4 key themes.  Those are:

Theme #1 - Public Schools in the 21st Century.  How are they the same and how are they different than schools just 15-20+ years ago?

Theme #2 - Public School Governance.  How are public schools governed in Gorham and why?

Theme #3 - Public Schools and Public Funding.  How are public schools funded in Gorham?

Theme #4 - Public Schools in the Future.  What do we see for our Gorham Schools 10, 15, 20+ years out and how are we planning for this vision?

For each theme, we plan on inviting a community "champion" to ask specific questions of myself and the schools which we hope will provide a deeper insight into the identified themes from a community member's perspective.  

Each theme's recording is planned for approximately 30 minutes, although this first one is a little longer.  Once the video is recorded, we'll blast it out on the school's and town's website and social media for broad viewing by the public.

The FIRST VIDEO is available for viewing.  Please click on the link below to view and feel free to send along any feedback that might help improve future recordings to

THANK YOU to Georgia Humphries and her GoCAT crew for their work on recording this video and future videos in the series.  THANK YOU to USM President Jackie Edmondson for her willingness to be our first "champion" and to share her expertise and perspective on how public schools operate in the 21st century.  I think folks will find this video and future videos in the series informative.  

Video #2 on the topic of school governance is due to be produced sometime before the end of February - so stay tuned for more then!



I want to begin by saying THANK YOU to those families who were able to attend the Parent Information Forum on our upcoming attendance zone changes that was held on Monday, Jan. 29, 2024 via zoom.  It was a very informative meeting and some really great questions were asked.

I'm very sure there were many parents who likely wanted to attend but could not so we made sure to record the meeting.  

CLICK HERE to view the meeting recording.

I also wanted to be sure to provide a link to the slide presentation used to guide discussion at the meeting.  You can CLICK HERE to view that presentation. Please note - I had somehow messed up the first graph in the slide presentation for the meeting - this link contains the corrected graph that should have been on that first slide!  

Highlights of the meeting:

-  Currently two of three elementary schools at capacity and have no further room to grow.  Narragansett School will be at just 70% capacity with final phase of modular expansion being completed this fall and therefore, has ample room to grow.

-  A target of moving all three schools to 90% capacity has been established, which will allow all 3 schools to continue to grow over the course of the next 10-15 years.

-  In order to meet this target, approx. 100 students will need to be moved from GF and Village towards Narragansett for the opening of school this fall.  Students at Narragansett currently will not be impacted.

-  YES these growth targets and capacities were calculated with full knowledge of the upcoming Robie development and what impacts that may have over the next 10-15 years here in Gorham.  

Next Steps:

-  The proposed attendance zone changes will be made public TODAY with the release of the School Committee meeting packets.  You can find the full packet on our website, but I'm sure most folks would just like to see the revised maps that list the impacted regions and specific roads list.  CLICK HERE to view the slide presentation that has this information.  Please reach out to if you have questions after viewing.

-  This information and more will be shared with the School Committee on Feb. 7, discussed and decided upon at this meeting.  The SC may decide it needs additional information and asks could request to postpone the decision until the next scheduled meeting.

PUBLIC COMMENT will be heard by the School Committee at their Feb. 7 meeting before a decision is made by the committee regarding the proposed changes.  Parents who may be interested in speaking should plan on attending the Feb. 7 School Committee meeting.  The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at the Gorham Municipal Building in the Council Chambers.

- Individuals who are not able to make the meeting, but who have questions or who would like to share their comments may email School Committee chair Sarah Perkins and cc Superintendent Heather Perry using the following email addresses: and  All email correspondence sent to SC members is read by all SC members and will be responded to by the chair.

-  Building principals will reach out personally to families that may be impacted to make sure they are aware and to answer any questions families may have during the week of Feb. 12-16.

-  Great Falls will host an information night for impacted families on Feb. 27 at 5:30 p.m. to address questions and share information.  Village Elementary School will host an informational night for impacted families on Feb. 29 at 5:30 p.m. for the same purpose.

-  The remainder of the year will be spent working with families and staff to ensure a smooth and positive transition in preparation for the beginning of the 2024-2025 School year.


Just a quick reminder to families that GMS and Great Falls Elementary Schools will utilize remote learning days on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 due to these two schools being used as polling locations for the "Super Tuesday" primary elections scheduled on this day.  

Specific information will be sent home to families from each school outlining learning expectations on this day.  

ALL OTHER STUDENTS attending GHS, Village Elem. School and Narragansett Elem. School should report to schools as usual on this day.  


The month of February is designated as black history month and is a time set aside by Americans to celebrate the achievements made by African Americans and to recognize their important roles in the development of our great country.

Although every day is a day that we celebrate all students and the incredible diversity they bring to our classrooms, this month is a month that families and organizations around the country emphasize the contributions African Americans have made to our past, our present, and our future.

As families you might be looking for resources for having these important conversations with your children so I thought I might provide just a few "tried and trusted" resource links for families to use if interested.  Our American history is so rich in so many ways and stories told through the eyes of those living their experiences can be a powerful way to add vibrance and context to the beautiful fabric of our world.

Here are just a few of my favorite resources...

The History Channel - Black History Month

Common Sense Media - Black History Month Resources

PBS for Kids - Black History Month Resources

-  National Geographic For Kids - Black History Month Resources


Our school counselors are part of the glue that holds us all together!  They are always there for our students, their families, and for our staff!  They work to help families and children navigate some of the most difficult and challenging experiences in their lives - and all with a smile on their face and a never give up attitude!  They give hugs, and "lectures".  They instruct and they listen.  They care passionately for the children they serve and Gorham has some of the BEST IN THE BUSINESS!  Let's make sure to celebrate our school counselors this coming week and give them the support they so generously give to others each and every day!


-  Betsy Anastasoff, Trisha Cherry, Kate Stevens and Samantha Teixeira (GHS)

-  Emma Ambrose and Heather Richards (GMS)

-  Debra Leone and Stacey Sawyer (PK-5), Ellen Berry (GF), Rachel Dunbar (Nar.), and Becky Hayward (Village).


The Anti-Racism and Equity Committee and the Community Outreach Equity Subgroup are excited to be hosting the 2nd Annual "Eat and Learn" event.  This year, we are looking to showcase, through artistic mediums and expression, the concept of advocacy.  As a committee, we understand the many issues facing students, and how our public understanding of how to be an advocate can enhance a positive learning environment.  

We invite any student to sign up and provide an artistic submission that answers the following question: When did you need an advocate, or what has been your experience of advocacy? Through any artistic medium including physical art, sculpture, audio/visual, or spoken word, we want to hear from students on how to understand this concept.  

Submissions are due the last week of February, with an art Gallery to commence on March 12th at 5:30 p.m.  If you want to participate, sign up through our online form LINKED HERE.

For those that wish to attend the EVENT but not submit artwork...

See the flyer below for additional information and CLICK HERE to RSVP!  


Looking for a way to support our Senior Class as they get ready to walk across the stage in just a few short months to get their diplomas?  Check out this opportunity to purchase custom Sea Bags!  See flyer below and then click on the link to shop Gorham Rams Sea Bags! 


The Code of Conduct Committee has been working all year to "refresh" our current Code of Conduct across all schools to make sure that this incredible document that has helped to guide our schools for the past 20 years continues to be relevant and lead our school's expectations into the next 20 years!

If you need a refresher on our school's Code of Conduct, CLICK HERE.  If you need a refresher on the Code of Conduct Committee's purpose and work overview - CLICK HERE.  To view Committee membership, CLICK HERE.  

We have done some great work to gather initial data and themes and now we are seeking direct community feedback on our work.  Check out the flyer below and mark your calendars to attend!

In closing with our Code of Conduct theme...I wanted to share this incredible song that was recorded by one of our Village School Families (Dad and daughter - names are below) and shared with the school after learning about singing sentences in class one day.  

CLICK HERE to hear the recording...lyrics are below. 

Chorus: Responsibility, respect and honesty, courage and compassion how happy we will be

It’s time to wake up and rap with me
We live in Gorham it’s the place to be
Be nice work hard that’s the way to play it cool
Listen to the lessons that your teachers teach at Village School
When it gets hard you can never let up
You can make it through the day just keep ya head up
I will never give up even if I’m stressed
I will take deep breaths I will try my best
If I have a setback I will not fold
No matter what happens I can reach my goals
I believe in me I believe in me
If you have a bad day see Mrs. Mezzanotte

Chorus: Responsibility, respect and honesty, courage and compassion how happy we will be

It hard for everybody coming back from vaca
Listen to the song and try to have a good day
Negative thoughts you can leave my mind
Gonna help my classmates and choose to be kind
Won’t let a setback hurt my self esteem
Might take a little time to reach my dreams
You will notice I’m focused and believe in myself
I’ll be there for my friends if they need any help
I can always improve my own attitude
Treat each other with respect there is no need to be rude
I believe in me I believe in me
If you have a bad day see Mrs. Mezzanotte

WORDS TO LIVE BY FOR SURE...And we should all believe that Mrs. Mezzanottee can fix any "bad day"! ☺ Mrs. Mezzanottee - you may be getting a call from me a little later! ☺

 THANK YOU to John Espejo and his daughters Juliana and Abby for sharing their incredible talent with Village Elementary School! We have such incredible families here in Gorham!  Proud to be a Gorham Ram!