I have been on the job as the Superintendent of Schools here
in Gorham for four full months now. Hard
to believe a quarter of the year is already gone! Time sure does move quickly when your having fun!
During the past four months, part of my entry
plan was to take the time to listen and learn about this great community and
the school system that has so aptly served it for so many years. Over the course of the past four months I
have conducted 200 interviews with folks from the community that break out as
School Administration – 16
School Committee – 7
School Staff – 39
School Parents – 45
School Students – 51
Community Members – 42
Total Interviews Conducted - 200
During each interview conducted, I generally asked three
guiding questions: (1) What do you see as perceived strengths of the
Gorham Schools and/or the community of Gorham? (2) What do you see as perceived
challenges of the Gorham schools and/or the community of Gorham? (3) If I were able to give you a couple million dollars to spend on fixing 1-2 things
within the school system, or the community, what would you spend it on?
The information I have gathered thus far through these
interviews has been invaluable to me as a new leader here in Gorham. Although I will absolutely continue to meet
with people, and to listen and learn about the school system and the community,
my goal was that once I got to 200 interviews, I would take the time to
articulate the themes of information that I have heard by conducting these
interviews and to share them with all of you.
Before I do, I would like to say that the themes I am about to share do
not come from any formal qualitative research study approach. I have not created matrixes or response protocol
sheets, in order to come up with these themes.
These themes come from simply listening and it is with that spirit that
I share what I have found thus far with all of you. Here goes…
Themes Regarding
Perceived Challenges – The Gorham Community
· * Although the population of Gorham is growing, it
is not growing its industry and businesses at the same rate as its population. Businesses and industry help
reduce the overall tax burden within a community. Instead, the population that is growing is
more residential, which requires more services (schools, trash, police, fire,
etc.). This means that the required
costs to provide these services goes up more quickly than the primarily
residential taxes can support them. This
creates challenges in funding across all municipal services including the
· * Although we have a beautiful Downtown area, which is at the
center of our village– it needs some “TLC” to address issues such as traffic,
parking, and quality of buildings, that will energize our Downtown and stoke
further development.
· * Constant Change is an issue. As our community continues to grow and grow
it changes. Thirty years ago, this
community was considered very rural.
Today, with increased residential populations, that “rurality” is fading
and our economic structures are changing.
We now have more affluent residents, but we also still have residents
that are socio-economically disadvantaged and/or on fixed incomes. This diversity stretches the need for our tax
dollars to be spent in lots of different ways, stressing our infrastructure and
making it difficult to serve any individual constituency well.
Themes Regarding
Perceived Challenges – Gorham Schools
· * There are real pockets “at risk” students within
our schools that are often not talked about or focused on. Issues of food insecurity do exist, issues of
poor attendance, drug and alcohol use and abuse, and other issues related to
disadvantaged populations do exist within our schools. These populations often have a stigma
attached to them and we tend not to emphasize the need for programming to
address these specific issues as much as we could. Programs aimed at increasing aspirations and
addressing these unique learning populations should be strengthened. Right now, students often don’t really start
thinking about what they will be doing after HS until sophomore or junior
year. The need to strengthen job
shadowing opportunities, internships, and co-ops, etc., especially within the
local community and bring more local businesses in to help students see what
their options are needs to start at an earlier age.
· * We don’t budget enough each year to maintain and
take care of the existing facilities we have and we have not had a clear plan
with the Town that outlines how we fund our capital renovations needs over
time. The Maine Department of Education
recommends setting aside 2% of your overall replacement costs for buildings
each year to pay for Capital Renovations.
For Gorham, the total replacement costs for our school buildings is
about $89,700,000.00, which would mean we should be setting aside approximately
$1,794,000.00 annually for capital improvements. This past year, we set aside $441,000.00 in
our Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) budget.
We have some significant needs coming up (GHS location of admin.
Offices, GHS HVAC systems, GHS classroom space issues,
athletic fields, etc). How do we address
these needs in a way that people will approve funding them, especially as state
funding to support public education continues to decrease?
· * Although Gorham has lots of different choices,
services and programs for students, more work needs to be done to strengthen
multiple pathway offerings for students to reach standards. Whether that means increased G&T
programming, or increased Alt. Ed. programming and all things in between – more
work needs to be done to strengthen already existing pathways for our students
to succeed in multiple ways.
· * Seemingly too many initiatives, not enough time. Within the last year or so, the Gorham schools have taken on some pretty big initiatives such as Proficiency Based
Learning, and a complete overhaul of our Teacher and Principal Evaluation
Systems. In addition to those large
items, we’ve also been working on implementing JumpRope (a new grading software
system) in grades K-5, implementing new substitute software called AESOP,
reviewing and adjusting implementation of Reading Street and Everyday Math
Curricula at the K-5 level, and we had to implement a new state testing process
last spring (Smarter Balanced Testing) that we will no longer be doing for this
spring. Instead we will be replacing
that test with an entirely different test and having to re-learn all of that
again. It seems that we are going from
one thing to another to another, not doing any of them as well as we could be,
or sticking with them long enough to see what is working or what isn’t
working. Additionally, there is not
enough time built into the regular teacher’s day to collaborate with other
teachers, especially K-5 across all three schools. It is difficult to operate a true K-12 system
without providing appropriate time for professionals to meet together and to
work on the work both vertically (K-12) and horizontally (across like grade
levels and/or content areas).
· * University of Southern Maine is right here, but
not really connected as well as they could be.
They seem to be “up on the hill” and not as much a part of the school community
as they could be. It would be nice to do
more to collaborate with them and bring them into our school community more
through dual enrollment courses, or increased mentoring experiences, etc.
· * Although some great visioning work was done in
2010 with excellent community stakeholder involvement, the vision is not
currently truly alive within our schools, nor does it incorporate our vision
for Proficiency Based Learning (PBL) within the Gorham Schools. This is an initiative that occurred after the
last large-scale visioning process was conducted. As a result, our PBL work has been ongoing
but not well communicated. Our K-12
vision needs to be “refreshed” to help guide our ongoing PBL work moving
· * Top school leadership has not been very visible
within the schools and in the community over the past several years. This does not mean that top school leadership
has not been very active, or doing a good job, it just means that the ability
to make natural connections to people served
and to the people being led has been hampered. When visibility of leadership is reduced, the
tendency to drift away from a tight alignment with mission and vision is
Themes Regarding
Perceived Strengths – The Gorham Community
· * There is a strong, positive relationship between
the Town and the School System. Shared
services between the Town and the School are present to help reduce taxpayer
costs such as sharing a facilities director, technology director, mechanics
services for school buses and collaborations between our athletic and recreation
programs, etc.).
· * Our community is growing – one of the fastest
growing (if not the fastest) in the state of Maine! Employment is high, median
income is high and a sense of optimism exists among community members regarding
the future of our Town.
· * Our Industrial Park is the best-kept secret in
Gorham. Over 45 businesses are located in
the industrial park with the potential for more growth down the road.
· * The presence of the University of Southern
Maine, Gorham Campus offers lots of benefits to the community such as jobs,
cultural experiences, and increased access to continuing education for our
residents. The potential to increase
these collaborations and to strengthen our partnership with the University
exists and optimism is high for potential growth in this area.
· * Overall, there is a strong sense of community
here in Gorham. The community really
cares for one another and rallies around one another, especially in times of
Themes Regarding
Perceived Strengths – Gorham Schools
· * Excellent reputation for all schools and lots of
community support in terms of passing budgets and also in terms of willingness
to give their time in volunteering, etc.
People perceive that things are done “the right way” with a focus on
meeting the needs of each student.
Students perceive the schools as safe places, where teachers truly care
about who they are and who they are becoming.
School pride is strong here, and students feel as though their voices
are heard. GO RAMS! J
· * Very caring and respectful students who
understand the importance of giving back to their community. Many students volunteer, or participate in
Rec. programming, or school extra and co-curricular programs. The schools “Code of Conduct” is alive and
strong with the five key components of “Respect, Honesty, Courage, Compassion,
and Responsibility.”
· * Schools provide a multitude of programs to meet
the needs of all learners, whether that be accelerated learning through G&T
Programming, or a large menu of AP courses, electives, or online learning at
the high school level or strong access to technology with 1:1 laptops in grades
6-12 or, high quality intervention and
support systems for students such as top notch Special Education Programs, RTI
processes, Interventionists positions, Learning Labs, Alternative Education
Programs, and CTE programs just to name a few.
· * School staff has a strong reputation for being
compassionate, caring, and hard working from bus drivers and cooks to ed.
techs. and coaches to teachers and all the way up through school and program
leadership and the School Committee.
People perceive the staff, and those that lead our schools as having
their priorities in the right places – focused on doing what is best for all
· * Our learning system supports innovation and new
ideas from our teachers. The system
supports teachers to continue their learning and to stay on top of new pedagogy
and best practices. As long as benefits
to students are clear, change in our system is supported. Our staff is respected as the hard working
professionals that they are.
· * A positive relationship exists between our local
businesses and our school system. The
Gorham Business Roundtable (comprised of Gorham business owners and leaders and
school personnel) meets at least quarterly to talk about how this relationship
can be fostered and strengthened. Things
like job shadowing, internships, and co-op opportunities for our students have
come from this positive relationship with the potential to grow even more great
connections in the future between our schools and our business community.
So these are the themes that I have seen pop up across my
interviews thus far. I hope that you can
see through my 2015-16 Goals that my areas of focus for this school year very
much align with attempting to address some of the areas of challenge that exist
for the Gorham Schools. Those areas of
focus for the 2015-16 School Year will be:
- * To strengthen the Gorham schools district
mission/vision and core documents by completing a school and community-wide “re-visioning”
process involving all stakeholders;
To continue to move the Gorham schools towards
the creation of a PBL system of education for grades K-12;
- * To monitor and assess 1st year pilot
implementation of our new evaluation system for teachers and building
- * To be visibly present within the Gorham schools
and the Gorham community;
- * To work with the school committee on addressing the
capital needs of all facilities across the district; and
- * To create and implement a “needs based”
budgeting approach for the FY 17 budget development process that will attempt
to balance the needs of our school system in meeting the needs of our students
with the needs of our taxpayers who support our schools.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please
feel free to reach out to me.
My email
address is:
I look forward to continuing to
“Listen and Learn” as I work to “Lead” this great school system forward.
Thank you,
Heather J. Perry,
Superintendent of Schools