The month of January is in the rearview mirror, and before we know it, the February break will be upon us! Time sure does have a way of flying by! It has been a fun couple of weeks since my last blog, too! Winter Fun Night at Great Falls, Little Shop of Horrors at GHS, Unified B-ball, Kids Clubs at Narragansett, Read-a-thons and all the various happenings across all our schools! We sure do know how to keep students and families active and engaged! ☺
Below are just a few pictures from the past few weeks across our schools. Check them out - and then on to the information!
Black History Month, celebrated every February since 1986, recognizes and honors Black Americans' achievements, contributions, and history. It was established to ensure that the often-overlooked stories of Black individuals are acknowledged and appreciated as an essential part of American history. This month also provides an opportunity to learn about the incredible resilience, leadership, and cultural impact of Black communities throughout our nation's history.
Gorham High School, in partnership with the Association of General Contractors of Maine and the Maine Construction Academy, is pleased to announce that it will once again offer the Maine Construction Academy program to eligible GHS students this summer.
The Maine Construction Academy is a four-week training program in which accepted students will:
- Gain skills in multiple trades
- Earn Certifications and Credentials, including OSHA, First Aid & CPR, and Rigger/Signal, and Complete NCCER Core Curriculum.
- Visit work sites and meet industry leaders
- Have guaranteed interviews with prospective employers and apprenticeships
- Receive a $800.00 one-time stipend upon completion of the program.
The course will be offered on-site at Gorham Middle School and is open to interested GHS Seniors (Class of 2025) and Juniors (Class of 2026). Space is limited. If you are interested, please contact your school counselor or Eliza Kenigsberg today to learn more!
Recent executive orders have caused some families to be confused about potential impacts on our public schools. We have received many questions, so I thought briefly overviewing the four most recent items was appropriate.
The first concerns removing the "safe haven" designation, which allows federal law enforcement agencies, including ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), to operate on school grounds. Please know that this shift in enforcement will not affect our schools' daily practices. Our schools will continue prioritizing safety while collaborating with law enforcement within the letter of the law.
The second concerns recent executive orders regarding "indoctrination" in schools. Recent guidance from the Maine Department of Education clarifies that while federal orders have altered some requirements regarding gender identity within federal departments, Maine Human Rights law still protects gender identity as a class under our state's discrimination laws. As this continues to get worked out and clarified, I want to assure families that our schools will continue to do what they have always done: love each child who enters our buildings for who they are and ensure they feel welcomed in our schools.
The third, the recent spending freeze on federal funding did not and would not have immediately affected federal funding for schools through IDEA or ESEA, as these funds are allocated a year in advance. While there is potential for future impacts, we remain vigilant and prepared to address any challenges collaboratively.
Finally, some anticipate a new executive order from the Trump administration next week or the week after regarding trying to dismantle or significantly reduce the Federal Department of Education. There is some confusion about what this may or may not mean for local schools. Although the administration has pretty broad controls regarding how departments operate, they cannot remove the funding associated with statutes passed by Congress. Although some significant moves may either remove or greatly diminish the powers related to the Department of Education, the budget allocated to schools via federal programs cannot be adjusted without congressional action. Therefore, at the end of the day, I do not see significant impacts to federal funds due to any executive orders dealing with the Federal Department of Education. The actual conversations will be taking place at the congressional levels. Please stay tuned.
As a school system, we will continue to focus on our work each day: providing a high-quality education to the children of this great community and ensuring that every child is prepared for future success in an ever-changing world. Past, current, and future executive orders will not change this focus.
The Gorham Schools have worked with for two years now. They are a great FREE resource for families across the country. One of the many FREE resources they offer is the ability to participate in FREE on-demand courses professionally developed and shared with families. Did I mention these resources are FREE?☺
You can CLICK HERE to view these online course series' full range of options. Still, I wanted to draw your attention to one in particular that I thought families might find valuable as we continue to work hard to support the mental health of our teenagers:
"Understanding Your Child's Emotional Development: 11-14 Years of Age"
Being a parent these days is no easy job, and being a parent of a "pre-teen" or "teen" can be even more challenging. Check out the course. If you like it, there are plenty more course series where that came from. If you don't find it useful, send it to your digital junk folder! ☺
You can also view their January Newsletter by CLICKING HERE and their February Newsletter by CLICKING HERE.
Finally, you can also attend a FREE "Ask A Therapist" event that is coming up on Feb. 19 at 8:00 p.m. with Dr. Kevin Skinner where participants can anonymously submit questions and get authentic answers from a licensed therapist regarding any parenting questions you may have. If you are interested CLICK HERE to sign up for free.
At our last meeting on January 16, 2025, the group shared some initial Key Performance Indicator (KPI) ideas to see what we might want to try and use moving forward to measure success. We discussed that we don't want to use these KPIs to "convince" anyone of anything but rather to tell a story of our community's overall fiscal health. Our hope would be that, taken as a whole, these KPIs would indicate if we were maintaining sustainable taxes while continuing to manage our community's present and future growth. We will continue to work on developing these KPIs, and share continued work at our upcoming meetings.
Additionally, during this meeting, our facilitator shared with us some initial draft ideas of specific recommendations we may want to consider for our final report based on our conversations over the previous 7 meetings. Five initial goal ideas were shared and discussed. The facilitator is going to put them together in a more organized draft and then send out a survey to all committee members for feedback before our next meeting so that we can discuss results together at that time, make revisions as necessary, and work to sharpen up our recommendations over the next three meetings. Those final three meetings are scheduled as follows:
- February 10, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Rm. A at Municipal Center
- March 10, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Rm. A at Municipal Center
- April 14, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Rm. A at Municipal Center
Overall, the final report is beginning to take shape. We have been working hard to finalize details over the last three meetings, with the intention of having a report to share with the School Committee and Town Council by mid-April to assist with FY 26 Town-wide budget discussions.
As a reminder, you can view agendas and minutes from the group's meetings by CLICKING HERE, and you can go to the Town's Website to view video recordings of our meetings.
As you may recall from posts earlier this fall, the Gorham School Committee has submitted three applications to the Maine Department of Education Capital Construction Program. The three projects are:
- Gorham High School
- Village & Narragansett Schools - Consolidated project.
The applications were completed and sent to the MDOE in August 2024. The MDOE received over 100 applications from across the state for these limited funds. The next step is for the MDOE construction team to visit each school that requested project funds. The team has been working through the list and is finally at Gorham! We will conduct the site visit with the MDOE team on March 3 and March 4, 2025. During these full-day intensive site visits, the team gathers additional data to inform their overall state ranking decisions.
After all site visits for all 100+ applications have been completed, the next step is for the MDOE construction team to review its notes and rank each project requested in order of priority. Due to significant constraints on state funding, only the top 6-8 projects are funded in each application cycle, which occurs once every 6-8 years.
The MDOE team should release their rankings in late spring or early fall 2025. Once we have this information, we will share it with the Gorham Community.
As we wait for the results of this work, I wanted to remind everyone that part of this work also entailed doing an updated facilities study for the three buildings in question. It really shows the investments that need to be made. Check it out by CLICKING HERE, and feel free to ask questions.
On February 12, 2025, the School Committee will be presented with an INITIAL proposed FY 26 Gorham School Department Budget. At this time, School Committee members will be asked to review the 100+ page document between that meeting and their first budget workshop meeting scheduled for March 3, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the upstairs conference room at the municipal center. On the February 12 meeting, School Committee members will also be given access to a Q&A document to record their questions while reviewing their budget booklets. These questions will be answered as part of the agenda for March 3's workshop meeting.
When this budget is shared on Feb. 12, it is essential to note that there can be A LOT of changes between this initial proposed budget and what the School Committee eventually approves in early April. We have a total of 5 budget workshop meetings scheduled whereby the school committee will pour over every line in our proposed budget, scrutinize it, and decide what to keep, add, or remove. This work concludes with their approved budget, which is then shared with the Town Council for their review. The Town Council votes on the proposed budget in May and then a budget validation referendum occurs in June.
Long story short (I know - too late), there is a long way to go between where we start on Feb. 12, 2025, and where we end up in June 2025. I encourage the Gorham Community to follow along with the process. You can do that by CLICKING HERE. You can also attend our budget meetings listed in our budget development timeline document and on our website. All budget meetings will be recorded and archived on the website link above.
As always, please contact us with any questions you may have now or later in the process. We know from experience that misinformation can spread during this process. We are happy to help you stay informed. Thank you!
"Let them Play"... coming up on Feb. 13, 2025! See flyer for details!
If you haven't seen the sign, Gorham Recreation offers teen programs during the upcoming February Break. Check out the link HERE for more on these and all the other great programs our incredible Re!
That's it for this blog post! My next blog post won't be til Feb. 28 due to the February break! See you then!